shamanic energy medicine

Sessions Offered


‘Cease Striving, And Release Into Your Own True Nature’ – Tao Te Ching



The extraction process is performed during the Illumination. Intrusive energies and entities can embed themselves within our nervous system. They can cause anxieties, depression and addictions. Crystallized energies can embed themselves in the physical body as a result of anger, envy and hatred directed at us by another person. These negative and intrusive energies are attracted to us when there is an affinity within us. For example, anger can penetrate our LEF (luminous energy field) only when the vibration for anger lives within us. After an energetic scan I will extract any intrusive or crystallized energies and perform the Illumination process to heal the affinity for these energies.


Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval can achieve, in one or two sessions, what can take years to resolve in psychotherapy. When we experience pain as a result of a traumatic event, it is possible for a portion of the soul to separate, taking with it a part of our essential self. This soul loss can manifest as an illness, fear or insecurity.

I will journey on your behalf to recover the lost soul part. You will learn to write empowering soul contracts, discard limiting beliefs and reclaim your joy and innocence. You will step into a life of grace.


Drum Journeys and Divination

In shamanic traditions, a power animal is believed to symbolize aspects of an individual’s unique and primal soul. As each animal represents its own kind of strength and wisdom, connecting with your power animal can help you tap into your inner reserves and embark on the path of becoming your truest, most empowered self. Through this shamanic practice, the power animal journey, I will teach you to go on a journey, with the sound of a repetitive drum beat, to connect to your power animals directly.

Rock divination is a traditional method of ‘rock seeing’ to resolve a dilemma. The language of the rock is its ability to show images. By paying attention to the language of a stone you bring to the session from your ‘nature walk’, you will experience healing images as gifts from the rock.


How Does It Work?

At the core of each shamanic session is the illumination process

I meet with people in an urban clinical setting in SOHO. We meet by appointment and I don’t get paid in nuts and berries!

After opening sacred space and illuminating my client with light we begin with an interview about the presenting problem. She then chooses a stone from my MESA, my medicine bundle, and blows the healing she wants into the stone. With her stone in my hand, I perform a chakra assessment to determine which energy center is compromised.

In the Inka shamanic traditions there are no ‘bad’ energies, just light energies that support life and heavy energies that cannot be digested. The Illumination process transforms heavy energies into light, turning wounds into sources of knowledge and power.

Cradling my client’s head in both hands I hold the pressure points under her head to help bring her into a deep state of relaxation. Holding my hands a few inches from the body I then use my pendulum wrapped around the stone she chose, to scan and find the compromised energy center. I open the compromised chakra and backwash it to release the toxic energies. I check with my client to see how she is feeling.

Once I determine that she has reached a state of resolution I perform the Illumination Process.

In this beautiful procedure, Illumination, I reach up to my 8th energy center and bring down a radiant sunlight showering her chakra with golden light.

The Illumination heals both physical and psychological conditions overwriting the imprint with pure light.

After the Illumination we talk and remap her mind set to a belief of a different perspective to reflect her new reality, correcting the misperception that the world looks the same regardless of the viewer’s vantage point. Together we remap her body and mind to a healed state that has a new narrative, is found in the body and comes from a new perspective. In other words she begins to look at the world she lives in from a healed perspective with a new purpose in mind.

Shamanic healing is a hands on experience, reshaping personal patterns, enhancing intuition and shaking up your thinking.

At the beginning of this healing journey, 3 sessions, once every 2 weeks are recommended. You can continue once every few weeks or as needed and join a small healing group.



What is the right amount for you?

I want to welcome everyone regardless of their ability to pay. What is the right amount for you?

I recommend that the right amount is representative of a commitment to fully engage in your healing. Consider the cost of similar sessions, $250 for 1 1/2 hours and balance this consideration with true respect for your financial means. Does this bring up thoughts or feelings you want to share?

In the Contact Section I will ask you to put down a $50 deposit to hold the space for your session. After the session you can pay up or down to an amount that is commensurate with your feelings of gratitude.